The theme of the 55th ICA Conference is: The New Normal: "A radical leap to digital, one giant step for digital society.” Nadejda Komendantova who leads the IIASA Cooperation and Transformative Governance Research Group, has been invited to be a speaker in a panel discussion on the “Importance of a strong and secure digital infrastructure”.

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Among the other speakers at the event are Mário Campolargo, Director General of Informatics at the European Commission; Cheow Hoe Chan, Government Chief Digital Technology Officer of the Smart Nation and Digital Government Office and Deputy Chief Executive of the Government Technology Agency of Singapore; Marc Brouillard, Chief Technology Officer of the Government of Canada; Peter Alexander, Chief Executive Officer of the Digital Transformation Agency of Australia; Shahar Bracha, Acting CEO of Government ICT Authority for the Prime Minister’s Office of Israel; Magnus Enzell, Senior Advisor at the Ministry of Infrastructure of Sweden; and Pedro Viana, Head of Digital Government Strategy at the Administrative Modernization Agency of Portugal, to name a few.

Komendantova’s participation is part of the Day I Challenge of the Conference: Lessons Learnt from COVID-19 and Transforming with the New Normal. Her talk will focus on digitalization as a contested policy option and the methodology for compromise-oriented policy solutions.

“Testing and learning” was the pace-mode set for most societies around the globe this past year. The one outcome which proved certain, was teaming up to overcome the challenges. Over the years, the International Council for Information Technology in Government Administration (ICA), has provided a forum for discussion through the ICA annual event, where its members can share knowledge and report on lessons learnt when it comes to bringing government services to citizens’ doors, especially when at times, going out the door was not an option.

During this year’s conference, the panels of experts will look at ways we can operate in the new normal, while ensuring a strong and secure digital infrastructure, not only in terms of technological means, but also in terms of human resourcing and training. How do we make sure no one is left behind when it comes to local and regional agreements aligning with international policies and discussions in order to self-organize communities digitally? And as the borders open, how effective are the Digital Health Certificates and what are the lessons learnt so far? The new norm calls for more remote digital services and we need to provide the secure environment for both the citizen and the government. Bringing government to the cloud may be more relevant now than ever looking at lessons learnt and debunking myths. 

Click here for the conference program or to register.

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