The first General Assembly of the Citizen Science Global Partnership (CSGP) will take place at the host institution and secretariat, IIASA, and online on Monday, 3 October 2022.
The CSGP is a network-of-networks that seeks to promote and advance citizen science for a sustainable world. It is open to individuals and organizations from civil society, academia, the scientific community, industry, and governments from all over the world working on or interested in citizen science. The purpose of this meeting is to elect board members from a pool of candidates nominated by their respective citizen science associations and other relevant organization categories. The event will also serve to elect candidates for the positions of chair, deputy chair, and treasurer of the board.
The CGSP is hosted by IIASA and the founding partners are the University of Geneva, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), as well as various citizen science associations and networks from around the world, including the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA), the Australian Citizen Science association (ACSA), the US based Citizen Science Association (CSA), CitizenScience.Asia, Citizen Science Africa Association (CitSAf), the Ibero-American Network of Participatory Science (RICAP), the Participatory Monitoring and Management Partnership (PMMP), and other partners who have been supporting the CSGP in various ways.
The key activities of the association are to promote and advance citizen science worldwide through scientific, economic, and social instruments. The association works to promote citizen science as an integral part of the delivery of the science, technology, and innovation development that forms a crucial link in advancing initiatives such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other multilateral agreements.