IIASA organizes the Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies (GAINS) Model Community meeting.

GAINS is an interactive online tool that can be used to support air quality management and policy processes at the subnational, national, and regional scale. The GAINS team at IIASA is maintaining the modeling framework and supporting such processes, often in collaboration with partners, who are or become registered users of the online tool.  

Over the years the scope of the model has been expanding, in terms of geographical coverage, spatial scales, pollutants, sectors and processes etc., and more users have become interested in and have started to use the model. In addition, we receive more and more requests of potential collaborations for using the GAINS data for academic purposes. 

The objective of this meeting is to establish a community of users and modelers who are applying the model in different policy contexts. The meeting offers opportunities to share experiences, inspire each other’s activities, learn from each other, and define potential future projects etc. 

During these two days you will have the opportunity to share recent or current work. Please let us know if you would like to give a presentation. We will share a draft agenda in due course.

Please register for the meeting here

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