The Systemic Risk and Resilience (SYRR) group (ASA program) will be delivering presentations at this year's international scientific conference on Human Geographies of Climate Change Adaptation in Bergen, Norway.
Hosted by the University of Bergen's Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation the conference will cover relevant and salient aspects associated with human geographies of climate change adaptation. The conference will seek to debate and generate practical insights that can guide policy and action toward achieving swift, equitable, and profound societal transformation to address climate change.
IIASA colleagues will present recent research on climate adaptation limits, systemic and transformation as well as the role of trust and participation in transformative adaptation.
- Stefan Hochrainer - Stigler: Systemic Risk Analysis for Transformation using Co-Production
- Teresa Deubelli - Hwang: Disaster risk management and climate change adaptation towards transformative resilience-building: Public participation and the role of trust in science
- Reinhard Mechler: Understanding Adaptation Limits
Conference Themes:
Theme #1 — Adaptation in the Arctic: lessons that can be learned from the Arctic in terms of how rapid climate change is experienced and responded to, with insights on, for example, maladaptation, climate justice and adaptation processes.
Theme #2 — Adaptation limits: are we pursuing the pointless?
Theme #3 — Political economies of adaptation: insights on power and justice.
Theme #4 — Methodologies for just adaptation: approaches to (i) studying and understanding adaptation; (ii) combining multiples sources of knowledge, namely Indigenous, practitioners, scientific and local; and (iii) engaging communities and decision makers.
Theme #5 — Adaptation metrics and assessments: approaches to (i) shaping up the adaptation metrics dialogue, to avoid a reductionist quantitative exercise; and (ii) synthesising the rapidly expanding adaptation knowledge base and creating usable science, to inform decision making processes, the global stocktake, and IPCC and other assessments, for example through machine learning and artificial intelligence, systematic reviews, and meta-syntheses.
Theme #6 — Adaptation practice: insights on (i) social innovation; (ii) cross-scalar measures that transcend governance levels and North-South divides; and (iii) alternatives to the anthropocentrism inherent to current adaptation policy.