An Expert Group Meeting in preparation for HLPF 2023: Accelerating the recovery from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at all levels

In preparation for the review of SDG 9 – and its role in advancing sustainable development across the 2030 Agenda –  UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development Goals (UN-DESA/DSDG) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), together with other entities of the UN system, are organizing an Expert Group Meeting (EGM).

The objective of the meeting is to take stock of where we are in terms of progress towards SDG 9 at the half-way point toward the 2030 Agenda; to consider what has changed since the SDG was last reviewed in 2017 including in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic; to share knowledge about success stories, good practices and challenges; to identify particular areas of concern; and to suggest ways forward in terms of policies, partnerships and coordinated actions at all levels.

These discussions, conclusions and recommendations will help inform the HLPF, assist in planning its sessions, and help to identify collaborations and programmes of work on SDG 9 going forward from 2023.

ECE Program Director Keywan Riahi is participating at the Expert Group Meeting and is contributing to the discussion about the role of industrial policy and green industrial policy.

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