The event has been postponed to a later date due to the current coronavirus situation and possible travel restrictions. The 6th Viennese Talks on Resilience and Networks is co-organized by IIASA and FASresearch. The event is dedicated to the presentation and discussion of the results and insights about the guiding principles of collaboration for climate mitigation and adaptation in terms of the “Theory of Plural Rationalities".

shake hands © Artcp5 |

As a part of research project "Roadmap to the Implementation of the Paris Agreement – RIPA", IIASA researchers contributed to a referential network analysis about climate protection measures in Austria,  which will be the core subject of this event. 

Brian Fath (ASA program) and Michael Thompson (RISK program) are members of the organizing team and will give invited talks at the event. Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer (RISK program) is also invited to speak. The talks will be followed by a round table discussion around the following questions: 

  • Which requirement must be met in order to make clumsy solutions possible in the field of climate policy?
  • What is it that enables us to collaborate with people we disagree with, dislike or distrust?
  • What remedy for action is possible to allow the discourse to transcend the differences?
  • How does insight into systems theory, systems thinking, and resilience aid clumsy solutions?
  • Who acts as brokers in the climate network landscape?
  • Which culture, mindset and formats do we need in order, as Heinz von Foerster put it, to act so that the number of choices and alternatives increases?

Participation is for free. We kindly ask you to register until Friday, 6 March 2020: