IIASA Researchers Franziska Gaupp and Thomas Schinko organize an interactive online workshop to address the question "what is food?"

Climate Change © Juan Enrique Del Barrio Arribas | Dreamstime.com

© Juan Enrique Del Barrio Arribas | Dreamstime.com

People need People' is an online exercise that encourages a group to make better sense of complexity. It recognises and attends to the interdependence of different perspectives and contexts and produces collaborative systemic responses to local and global needs.

It is based on the concept of 'Warm Data' and combines high level systems theory (by Gregory Bateson) with practical and personal experience. It allows participants a sense-making experience within the questions around 'what is food'. It helps groups to strengthen their individual and collective capacity to perceive, understand and work with complex issues.

The 'People need People' will be part of the EurSafe2021 programme to facilitate exhange and reflection on the topics and talks of the conference, as well as ideas and impressions arising. It will take place on Friday, 25.06. at 17h

Organizors: Franziska Gaupp, Thomas Schinko

Contact: Franziska Gaupp, franziska[at]eatforum.org


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