IIASA Researcher Thomas Schinko represents IIASA in webinar series on climate change economics.

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The JVI (Joint Vienna Institute) webinar looks at the challenges of modelling the impact of climate change mitigation and adaptation policies and provides an overview of the available techniques together with some specific examples.


Dr. Schinko will give an introduction to the concept and relevance of climate-related risk and provide an overview of relevant economic assessment approaches. This will be followed by a presentation of one such technique, that is of particular relevance for mainstreaming climate extreme risk into fiscal and budgetary planning.

Event details:

Climate Webinar #5: Modelling Climate Change

Tuesday, June 29, 2021 at 14:30-16:00 Vienna time (CEST)


Hervé Joly, JVI Director                                                                                                     


Mr. Jean Chateau, Senior Economist, Research Department, International Monetary Fund
Mr. Benjamin Carton, Senior Economist, Research Department, International Monetary Fund

Mr. Thomas Schinko, Research Group Leader of the Equity and Justice Research Group, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis  

Ms. Maria Arakelyan, Economist, Joint Vienna Institute

The JVI focus on climate change

If greenhouse gas emissions continue unabated, global temperatures will keep on rising at an unprecedented pace, with catastrophic implications for lives and livelihoods worldwide. Economic policy has a pivotal role to play in changing the ways we produce and consume in order to slow climate change. Countries in the JVI region will not be spared the economic costs of rising temperatures nor the difficult task of transforming their economies within the next thirty years to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Yet, this transformation also holds opportunities for countries in the region, such as public investment-triggered growth, good quality green jobs, and better health from reduced air pollution. 

In this context, the JVI will offer two new courses on the economics of climate change. The first course entitled “Climate Change and Green Finance” was coordinated by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance and the Austrian National Bank and took place for the first time in June 2021. The second course entitled “Climate Change Economics” is coordinated by the JVI faculty and will take place in September 2021. To accompany these two courses, the JVI is running a webinar series on selected issues in climate change economics. In discussion with experts from the JVI partner organizations, academia, central banks, and other institutions, we are shedding light on topics such as the political economy of climate change, carbon taxation, the role of financial sector oversight, and macroeconomic modelling – with a special focus on the JVI region.

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