Publication launch

Earth © NASA

We are on the edge of a geospatial transformation. What started as a simple data set is now becoming a powerful geospatial knowledge infrastructure, integrating data from a plethora of other sources. These rich new insights translate into better decision-making, catalysing new products and services across all industries.

 It also has the potential to add billions to our economy, boost the quality of life among our communities, and help protect our planet.

To explore the challenges and opportunities presented by geospatial intelligence, Knowledge Transfer Network and Ordnance Survey have collaborated on “The Power of Place – A Sustainable Future with Geospatial Insights”, a thought leadership publication that explores the changing landscape of location intelligence and what it means for business as usual.

TNT Researchers Caroline Zimm and Nebojsa Nakicenovic co-authored a chapter on systems thinking in the report.

To launch the publication, KTN will be running a series of four webinars exploring the innovation landscape, the economic opportunity and the role of geospatial insights in building a more sustainable, resilient future.

During the first session the importance of building a collaborative economy, and its role in unlocking data from silos, using collective intelligence tools to harnesses knowledge across sectors will be discussed.

Caroline Zimm will participate in the launch event and will present insights from the upcoming The World in 2050 report: Innovations for Sustainability: Pathways towards an efficient and sufficient post-pandemic future.

 You can register for this report launch event here. 

More information on this project can be found here.