Scenario development expert meeting under Work Package 2: Health co-benefits of mitigation policies of the CATALYSE project

CATALYSE is a five-year project coordinated by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) funded by the European Commission through the Horizon Europe programme, with co-funding from UK Research and Innovation and the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation. CATALYSE has a budget of 10.3 million euros and involves 21 partners from 12 European countries.

IIASA, as lead partner of Task 2.1, is hosting the experts meeting on the Scenario Development.  The objective of this Task is to develop mitigation policy scenarios and model their impacts on emissions (GHGs, air pollutants), ecosystems and the economy, including social cost benefit analyses. The scenarios are defined and developed jointly by a consortium of modelling teams and implemented in the GAINS model for further analysis in the project. 

The overarching goal of CATALYSE is to provide new knowledge, data, and tools on:

  • the relationships between changes in environmental hazards caused by climate change, ecosystems, and human health;
  • the health co-benefits of climate action;
  • the role of health evidence in decision making;
  • the societal implications of climate change for health systems.