IIASA researchers discuss future demand for residential space heating and the goal of net-zero emissions at the 39th Annual IEW conference in June 2021.

heating demand © © Chuyu | Dreamstime.com

At the upcoming International Energy Workshop (IEW), IIASA’s researcher Alessio Mastrucci, will present research regarding the global building sector energy demand and potential contribution in climate change mitigation.

In this study, IIASA researchers estimate future global residential space heating demand and the effect of different policy scenarios towards net-zero carbon dioxide emissions. Since buildings account for almost 40% of energy-related carbon emissions, the assessment of alternative climate policies and sectoral policies toward net-zero emissions is essential to create effective strategies for meeting sustainable development goals (SDGs) and meeting climate targets.

The IEW conference will take place from Monday June 14 to Thursday June 17th. Additional themes will include the role of technology in energy transitions, a socioeconomic analysis of energy transitions, the goal of reaching net-zero emissions, and more.

For more information and how to register, please visit the site.

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