IIASA Deputy Director General for Science, Leena Srivastava will participate in a workshop organized by the Center for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Studies at the University of Stuttgart focusing on the conceptual and methodical implementation of integrative research on sustainable systems.

What are sustainable systems and what are the common cooperative activities for achieving sustainable systems?  Individual systems are part of larger systems. The development of an individual system requires an open conceptual approach, knowledge,  innovative perspectives, and ideas. At the same time, awareness is needed of the possible consequences of the complex interactions between systems so the system itself can be sustained and further developed.

The Center for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Studies (ZIRIUS), a cross-departmental research center at the University of Stuttgart, is organizing a workshop "Integrative development of sustainable systems – Concepts, methods, and implementation".Scholars from various disciplines, such as sociology, political science, psychology, economics or engineering are invited to contribute their perspectives on how to design an integrative approach of research on sustainable systems as well as enable others to develop sustainable systems.

Srivastava will talk about the method to be used to foster integrative research and development of sustainable systems as well as share her perspective on how to implement, monitor the courses of research projects, for detecting factors of successful integrative work, and for coping with potential flaws and mistakes in projects. She will share the result of the project  Bouncing Forward Sustainably: Pathways to a post-COVID World, a partnership between IIASA and ISC in defining and designing sustainability pathways that will enable building forward a more sustainable post-COVID-19 world, through the consultative science platform.


  • Prof. Dr. Ortiwn Renn, Scientific Director at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) in Potsdam, Germany
  • Prof  Dr. Armin Grunwal, Head of Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS), Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Dr. Leena Srivastava, Deputy Director-General for Science at International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria
  • Lars Klüver, Director of the Danish Board of Technology (DBT), Hvidovre, Denmark 
  • Dr. Nicole de Paula, Founder and Executive Director of the Women Leaders for Planetary Health; Institute For AdvancedSustainability Studies (IASS), Potsdam, Germany



  • Rüdiger Goldschmidt, Research Associate, Zirius, University of Stuttgart, Germany  
  • Oliver Scheel, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Apologistics Group, Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany  


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