Dr. Shonali Pachauri will give a keynote presentation on Universal Access to Modern Energy Services: Development Imperative and Climate Opportunity. 

Climate change is a key challenge globally. To overcome this challenge, economies need a new growth strategy that enables an effective and fair transition towards low-carbon and climate-resilient activities. Achieving this will require financial support from both private and public sources to foster research and innovation. Such green funding can help to develop new sustainable technologies and disruptive innovations that further decarbonize the energy system, ensure that buildings are more energy efficient, accelerate a shift to sustainable and smart mobility, and mobilize the industry towards a clean and circular economy. At the same time, accomplishing such a transition will lead to significant structural changes in the labor force. Reshaping labor competencies by reskilling and upskilling, is a critical enabler for attaining a sustainable economy. Considering this context, the Symposium offers a platform for debate and discussion of the opportunities and challenges for the achievement of a green and sustainable economy, characterized by inclusiveness and resilience.

Organizing Institutions: Business and Economy Faculty  at the University of Barcelona

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