Roman Hoffmann is invited to present his research on "Estimating climate impacts on internal migration: Novel evidence from global census data for 72 countries" at the Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics (CPop) Research Seminars of the University of Southern Denmark.

The CPop Research Seminars at the Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics provide a lively forum for scholars from across the university to discuss in-progress research on social, cultural, biological, epidemiological, and demographic aspects of ageing, longevity, inequalities and related issues both for human and non-human populations.


Whether and to what extent climatic factors influence migration has received widespread public and scientific attention. In this paper, we focus on the impacts of increased aridity and drought on internal migration using novel census-based data for 72 countries covering the period 1960-2016. Analyzing information on 107,916 interregional migration flows, we find that drought and aridity have a significant impact on human mobility, particularly in the hyper-arid and arid areas of Southern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, and Southern Asia. Migration is shaped by the level of wealth, agricultural dependency, and urbanization in the area of origin. Different age and education groups respond differently to droughts and aridity highlighting the importance of differential mobility patterns across population groups in different geographic contexts.

Roman Hoffmann is Migration and Sustainable Development (MIG) Research Group Leader in the IIASA Population and Just Societies (POPJUS) Program. His applied research focuses on the relationship between the environment and population, including impacts of climate change on human mobility, climate vulnerability and resilience, and adaptation. In addition, he is interested in climate mitigation, the drivers of pro-environmental behavior, and support for climate action.

Thursday, 14 December, 2023
Time: 13:00 - 14:00 (CET)

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