The Integrated Solutions for Water, Energy, and Land project, organized a practical and interactive webinar to highlight and share nexus integrated modelling tools and co-design knowledge relevant to stakeholders in large river basins. 

playing Games © Piotr Magnuszewski | IIASA

The Integrated Solutions for Water, Energy, and Land project (ISWEL) is a ground-breaking study exploring sustainable solutions to jointly meet water, energy, and land demands at the global level. 

Led by a partnership between IIASA, the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) the project zooms in on two large transboundary basins facing multiple development and environmental challenges: The Zambezi and the Indus. This engaging and experiential webinar highlighted the best of the nexus tools and knowledge developed during the ISWEL project that proved most relevant and useful to Indus and Zambezi stakeholders, which can also be applied to other large river basins. In particular, this virtual meeting will share integrated modeling tools as well as methods for engaging stakeholders in the co-design of sustainability pathways. 

Presentations and webinar videos