The International Boreal Forest Research Association will bring together researchers, managers, policymakers, and members from civil society for its bi-annual conference, focusing on the changing boreal biome. It will be hosted by the University of Alaska, Fairbanks in a fully virtual format.

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The boreal forest, the second most extensive terrestrial biome on earth, is experiencing environmental changes at rates that are unprecedented. While some ecosystems may be resilient to these changes, many are shifting to new ecological states, affecting ecosystem structure and functions and the people who rely on them.

This year the International Boreal Forest Research Association (IBFRA) conference aims to foster interdisciplinary collaborations to build an integrated understanding of the resilience and vulnerability of the boreal biome at the regional and global scale.

The program includes panel and plenary sessions, keynotes and poster sessions, art exhibits as well as virtual spaces for impactful networking opportunities. As an example: the session "Public policy and boreal science - why do we need to work together?" will explore a recent approach involving IBFRA, a number of boreal governments, and a new science-policy forum devoted to the boreal regions. 

Through a diverse program the conference will explore current scientific understanding on the vulnerability and resilience of the boreal biome to climate change, associated emerging trajectories, and socio-economic implications. In addition to examining new research, the conference will also highlight policy developments which are necessary to ensure efficient adaptation and mitigation strategies to climate change in the boreal region.

Scientists, managers, policy makers, and members of civil society working in the boreal regions of the world are invited to join IBFRA 2021  and share their insights and experiences with an international, interdisciplinary, and multi-cultural community. Students and early carrier scientists are encouraged to participate, present their research and disseminate their knowledge.

This event will take place on Zoom, please register to participate.

International Boreal Forest © IIASA

International Boreal Forest Reserach Association (IBFRA)

IBFRA was formed in 1991 with the goal of promoing and coordinating research related to boreal forests to increase understanding of the role of the circumpolar boreal forest in the global environment and the effects of environmental change upon that role. Objectives are to contribute to the sustainable development of boreal forests by promoting and coordinating fundamental and applied research and relevant activities related to forest ecosystems, forest management, forest products, and all forms of forest use within the boreal zone. Also, to promote and coordinate research to increase understanding of the role of boreal forest ecosystems in the global environment and the effects of environmental change on that role. Finally, to promote the dissemination of research results and transfer of new technology and the adoption of new methods of forest utilization, planning and social organization, with a view to ensuring sustainable development and preservation of boreal forest ecosystems. 

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