The United Nations (UN) World Data Forum (WDF) is an event organized by the UN Statistics Division since 2017 to mobilize financial and political support for data, stimulate data innovation and foster partnerships around data to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The United Nations (UN) World Data Forum (WDF) is a platform for strengthening collaborations around sustainable development data between the National Statistical Systems, the UN and other international agencies, academia, civil society, and private sector, as well as the broader data and statistics communities. Since the first WDF in Cape Town in 2017, the Forum has grown to include 20,000 stakeholders from around the world.

IIASA Research Scholar and the Citizen Science Global Partnership Managing Director Dilek Fraisl is organizing a session on “Building Trust in Citizen Science Data” and co-organizing another one on “Building the evidence to rebuild trust in governance systems” at the Forum this year in partnership with several UN agencies, National Statistical Offices, Civil Society Organizations and other partners. Fraisl is also a member of the UN WDF Program Committee.

For more information on the Forum and the Program, visit the official website of the UN World Data Forum.