TFIAM/EC4MACS Workshop on Uncertainty Treatment
Laxenburg, Austria
November 3-4, 2010

TFIAM/EC4MACS Workshop on Uncertainty Treatment
Insights from earlier work on uncertainties in integrated assessment Rob Maas
1 What do we want to know about uncertainties?
Perspectives and questions from industrial stakeholders Les White
Perspectives and questions from environmental NGOs Christer Agren
Perspectives and questions from policy-makers - national and CLRTAP Martin Williams
Perspectives and questions from policy-makers -EU Commission M. Rocha de Lima
2 Definition and classification of uncertainties and risks
Experiences with addressing uncertainties in integrated assessment models Helen ApSimon
Classification of uncertainties and risks Arthur Petersen
3 Review of uncertainties of different model elements
Energy modelling - PRIMES Leonidas Mantzos
Agricultural modelling - CAPRI Peter Witzke
Transport modelling - TREMOVE Leonidas Ntziachristos
Atmospheric calculations David Simpson
Ecosystems IMPACTS
Ecosystems IMPACTS
Jean-Paul Hettelingh
Max Posch
Health impacts Michal Krzyzanowski
Benefit assessment BENEFITS Mike Holland
Integrated assessment - GAINS Fabian Wagner
4 How to increase the robustness of policy advice
Experiences based on the UK government scenarios for 2020 Ian Rodgers
Experiences of dealing with uncertainties in emissions within the UNFCCC Jeroen Kuenen
5 Update on progress of TFIAM work
Outcome of the 47th Session of the WGSR, August 30 - September 2 Rob Maas
Recent GAINS improvements and scenario analyses Markus Amann
Recent EGTEI work on quantifying options for emission limit values Tiziano Pignatelli
Report from the Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen & "costing" workshop Wilfried Winiwarter
Sources of uncertainties in IAM - analysis of costs parametrization Sergei Kakareka
Ammonia emissions sources in Belarus: Identification, assessment and projection Sergei Kakareka