Workshop - Towards Clean Air in Cities
Bratislava, Slovakia
November 27, 2019

Workshop - Towards Clean Air in Cities
 I Context
Welcome Slovakian host
Introduction to the Expert Panel on Clean Air in Cities Rob Maas
EU Urban Partnership on Air quality Rene Korenromp
Europe's Urban Air Quality – EEA Evrim Ozturk
II Methodology
Costs and benefits of national and European policies Mike Holland
Challenges for improving urban air quality – lessons from global cities (WMO/GURME presentation) Ranjeet Sokhi
SHERPA-city: a webtool to assess the impact of traffic measures on NO2 Bart DeGraeuwe
Towards a multi-level policy tool for clean air in cities Gregor Kiesewetter
Outline of a multi-scale approach for ammonia reduction in Germany under multi-objective conditions Andreas Eisold
Effects of European, national and local policies on air quality in the Netherlands Guus Velders
III Applications
Assessment and forecast of urban air quality in Coimbra (PT) Oxana Tchepel
ZONE Project – Integrated system for policy support and programs of residential emissions abatement Tomasz Pecka
Air quality modelling in Spanish cities Fernando Martin
Assessment of recent air quality plans and measures in Madrid Rafael Borge
Urban trees - effective solutions to reduce increasing ozone levels in cities Pierre Sicard
Clean Air Programs for UK and London Helen Apsimon
IV Other presentations
Clean Air Farming: How rural/agricultural emissions also affect urban citizens Jens Hürdler / Christine Hellerström
Clean Heat: Wood burning - key problems and solution approaches Patrick Huth
PAQ - Workshop HIA tool  
Utrecht on its way to a healthy and sustainable city