Workshop on local measures to improve air quality and health
Tallinn, Estonia
28-29 June, 2018

Welcome and introduction
Introduction Rob Maas
Multi-scale air quality modelling
Multi-level policies for air quality: implications of national and sub-national emission reduction scenarios on population exposure Enrico Pisoni
Progress on uEMEP Michael Gauss
Update on GAINS Rob Maas
Guidance for local air quality planning
Status of EEA’s “Air Implementation Pilot 2018” Evrim Ozturk
Practical experiences
Clean air measures in Utrecht Joost Wesseling
Assessing health impacts of clean air measures in Utrecht Rob Maas
Evaluating economic and health impacts of active mobility policies Maria-Luisa Volta
Air Quality impacts of local climate and energy actions Fabio Monforti-Ferrario
AERIS - Urban Air Quality study Chris Boocock
Modelling tools to support the UK National and Local plans Michel Vedrenne
Effect of implementing air quality measures in Pamplona Fernando Martín
Evaluation of NECD impacts on urban air quality in Germany Andreas Eisold
Closing session
Towards an expert panel on clean air in cities – links with existing networks