Workshop on modelling of urban and regional measures for improved air quality
Utrecht, The Netherlands
15-16 February, 2017

 I General introductions
Welcome Rob Maas
Introduction Urban Partnership on air quality René Korenromp
Modelling city-specific environments for the Urban Partnership on air quality Enrico Pisoni / Philippe Thunis
Assessing the contribution of transboundary sources to local air pollution Laurence Rouil
Cost-effective EU-measures to reduce exposure of the urban population Markus Amann
E-reporting of plans and programmes Alberto González Ortiz
Assessment of air quality measures and costs in Paris Marguerite Muhlhaus & Nadine Allemand
Assessment of local air quality measures in Germany Florian Pfäfflin & Andreas Eisold
II Regional and national approaches
Assessment of national air quality measures in Italy - focus on the Po-Valley agreement Antonio Piersanti
Assessing the economic value of the Lombardia Regio Air quality plan Giorgio Guariso
The Emilia Romagna air quality plan using the RIAT+ tool Michele Stortini
The Dutch example: National Cooperative Programme and local air quality initiatives Guus Velders
Effectiveness of ammonia measures to reduce PM-episodes Carlijn Hendriks
III Local approaches
How models support the Antwerp air quality management plan Stijn Janssen
Cost-effective abatement of NOx emissions from ships Christer Ågren
Assessment of measures in urban/port areas – Liguria experience Carlo Trozzi
Defining and implementing air quality measures in Lisbon Francisco Ferreira & Nelson Barros
Assessment of cobenefits of air pollution measures Rainer Friedrich
Air quality improvements from urban energy policy Mark Barrett
Impact of measures to improve (urban) air quality in Spain Fernando Martin Llorente
Assessment of air quality measures in Helsinki Miko Savolahti
Effectiveness of measures to promote cycling in Copenhagen Jesper Bak
IV Conclusion
Draft Concluding remarks Rob Maas