The valuation of damage to ecosystem services due to air pollution
Zagreb, Croatia
October 24-25, 2013

Part I: Joint meeting with WP18 of the ÉCLAIRE-project
1. Introduction Rob Maas
2. State of the art in the economic valuation of ecosystem services Stefan Åström
3. State of the art in modelling physical damage to ecosystem services
  a. Impacts of Ozone Harry Harmens
  b. Impacts of Nitrogen Jean-Paul Hettelingh
4. State of the art in the valuation of damage to ecosystem services Michael Holland
Part II: Workshop presentations: Experiences in valuing ecosystem services
5. Valuation of ecosystem services in Norway Bent-Arne Saether
6. Health impacts of biodiversity Michael Holland/George Morris
Part III: Workshop presentations: Experiences in valuing damage to ecosystem services
7. Valuation of air pollution damage to ecosystem services Jesper Bak
8. Ecosystem services and air pollution; a conceptual model Lars Hein
9. Valuation of ecosystem benefits of air pollution –policy needs in the UK Roald Dickens
10. Valuing atmospheric nitrogen impacts on 'Appreciation of Biodiversity', applying the Ecosystem Services Approach in the UK Laurence Jones
11. Placing a value on ozone effects on ecosystem services: a case study for the UK Gina Mills
12. Valuation of damage to ecosystems in the Netherlands Rob Maas
13. Valuation of ecosystem services in Sweden Stefan Åström
14. Valuation of ecosystem services in Spain Isaura Rabago
15. Valuation of ecosystem services in France Anne-Christine LeGall /Simone Schucht