Verena Rauchenwald
Integrated Assessment and Climate Change Research Group
Energy, Climate, and Environment Program
Verena Rauchenwald is a researcher in the Integrated Assessment and Climate Change Research Group of the IIASA Energy, Climate, and Environment Program, where she is part of the Technical Support Team responsible for the project coordination and science communication of the Second Austrian Assessment Report on Climate Change. Her primary research interests include climate change science, policy and action, as well as organizational and societal change.Her international working experience ranges from business development of solar PV plants in California and solar software customer service in New York, to consulting on climate accounting for Austrian cities. In 2017, she joined IIASA for one year as research assistant as part of the former Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases Program Program, where she investigated emissions from the nitrogen cycle in association with land use changes. She worked in close collaboration with the Institute of Social Ecology at the Alpen-Adria University in Vienna.
Rauchenwald holds a bachelor’s degree in Environment- and Natural Resources Management from the University of Natural Resources and Applied Sciences, Vienna, and a master’s degree in Environmental Chemistry and Health from the University of Copenhagen. For her master thesis she designed and managed the construction of two air purification prototypes employing photochemistry to remove air pollutants.
In her leisure time she enjoys dancing and practicing yoga.
Last update: 11 APR 2024
van der Leeuw, S., Aguiar, A.P., Berg, L., Buscaglia, D., Busch, S., Chabay, I., Ebi, K., Goujon, A. , Haberl, H., Messner, D., Miola, A., Murray, K., Muttarak, R. , Nakicenovic, N. , Popp, A., Puyana, J.M., Rauchenwald, V., Scheelbeek, P., Schmidt, J., Sellers, S., Svedin, U., Vafeidis, A., & Verburg, G. (2019). The Challenge Ahead: Non-Linear Interactions in Current Societal Dynamics. GSTIC , Antwerpen-Berchem, Belgium.