Vered Blass
Senior Research Scholar
Integrated Assessment and Climate Change Research Group
Energy, Climate, and Environment Program
Senior Research Scholar
NMO Development Fund Fund center
Communications and External Relations Program
Vered Blass is a guest senior research scholar jointly associated with the Integrated Assessment and Climate Change, and Sustainable Service Systems research groups in the IIASA Energy, Climate, and Environment Program. She is an associate professor in the Department of Environmental studies at Tel Aviv University, Israel. She established and currently leads the Innovation in Industrial Ecology research lab at Tel Aviv University. She holds PhD and MA degrees in Environmental Science and Management from the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, and a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management from The Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. She was a post-doc researcher at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in the US, and from 2012 to 2019, she was a faculty member at the Coller school of Management at Tel Aviv University.Her research has focused on using industrial ecology tools for management and policy decisions. Currently, her research focuses on life cycle thinking and evaluating the environmental impacts of new business models, new technologies, production, and consumption patterns using a variety of advanced modeling tools. Her research domains are diverse and include the mobility-energy nexus, demand for materials, e-waste, innovation in a circular economy, construction, agriculture and water, Green IT, environmental assessment of early stage technologies, and sustainable consumption. At IIASA her work includes integrating consumers’ preference mobility data and policy measures into the Model for Energy Supply Strategy Alternatives and their General Environmental Impact (MESSAGE) framework with a focus on measuring the economic, social, and environmental outcomes in such models.
She is leading the establishment of a new national research center for applied systems analysis in Israel, for more information see: https://www.jpost.com/business-and-innovation/tech-and-start-ups/article-726722
In the past, Blass served as a member of a special consulting team to the minister of finance in Israel. She was also a member of the technical expert committee for the Green Industry Platform lead by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). In addition, she has been serving as the chair of the board for Engineers without Borders in Israel since 2010.
Last update: 17 MAR 2023
Roichman, R., Sprecher, B., Blass, V., Meshulam, T., & Makov, T. (2024). The convenience economy: Product flows and GHG emissions of returned apparel in the EU. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 210 e107811. 10.1016/j.resconrec.2024.107811.