Vanessa Boas-Moser profile picture

Vanessa Boas-Moser

Project Officer

Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability Research Group

Advancing Systems Analysis Program


Vanessa Boas is a project officer in the Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability (NODES) Research Group of the IIASA Advancing Systems Analysis Program. Within the research group, her focus lies on supporting the implementation of a range of international cooperation projects in the sphere of citizen science.

Boas joined IIASA in April 2023 to oversee the daily implementation of the Urban ReLeaf project (2023-2026). This Horizon Europe project aims to foster citizen-powered data ecosystems for inclusive and green urban transitions and to facilitate the uptake of citizen science data and practice in authoritative data flows and urban policymaking.

She has a rich and varied background in project management, having implemented numerous donor projects in the field of nature protection, governance, education, energy efficiency, and digitalization in Eastern Europe, the Balkans, the former Soviet Union, and Africa. As part of these projects, she was equally involved in stakeholder engagement, communications, and capacity building. In addition, she has held roles in marketing, communications, and policy development for consulting companies, NGOs, and research institutes.

Boas holds two Master's Degrees in International Relations and European Studies from the University of Bristol, UK, and College of Europe, Poland, respectively. In addition, she completed a PhD in European Studies at the University of Cologne, Germany, on the European Union's effectiveness as a donor in Central Asia. At present, she is enrolled in a diploma program in Environmental Science at the University of Hagen in Germany with a special focus on sustainability.

Last update: 19 JUN 2023


Castell, N., Wehn, U., Gold, M., Veeckman, C., Peters-Anders, J., Moorthy, I., Boas, V., Hager, G. , Kozlowska, A., Vuckovic, M., Ekman, K., Carneiro, J., Gonzalez, O., & Guy, J. (2024). Exploring ways to enhance diversity and inclusivity in citizen science. In: ECSA 2024, 3-6 April 2024, Vienna.

Moorthy, I., Hager, G. , Boas, V., Christantoni, I., Clarke, N., Coelho, B., Dinis, J., Doerre, J., Gagane, N., Korsuize, G., Marx, V., Pins, G., Skudra, S., Tsakanika, D., van Aken, S., van Holten, L., & Versteeg, M. (2024). Innovating together for just and green urban transitions: Stories from Urban ReLeaf Cities. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10907215. In: ECSA 2024, 3-6 April 2024, Vienna.