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Tessa Möller

Research Intern

Integrated Climate Impacts Research Group

Energy, Climate, and Environment Program


Tessa Möller joined IIASA in 2024 as a research intern in the Energy, Climate, and Environment Program. Her research focuses on the physical implications of overshooting the Paris Agreement's 1.5°C temperature limit on multi-centennial sea level rise as well as on climate tipping elements.

Before joining IIASA, she worked as a student assistant in the Climate Science and Impacts team at Climate Analytics, Germany, focusing on the effectiveness of water-related adaptation options under climate change, as well as on the vulnerability of freshwater systems in Small Island Developing States.

She was a contributing author to Chapter 4 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), acting as part of Working Group 2, and led the preparation of Box 4.2 focusing on ''Observed Risks, Projected Impacts and Adaptation Responses to Water Security in Small Island States''.

Last update: 12 MAR 2024


Möller, T., Högner, A.E, Schleussner, C.-F., Bien, S., Kitzmann, N.H., Lamboll, R.D., Rogelj, J. , Donges, J.F., Rockström, J., & Wunderling, N. (2024). Achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions critical to limit climate tipping risks. Nature Communications 15 (1) e6192. 10.1038/s41467-024-49863-0.