Tamas Krisztin
Senior Research Scholar
Integrated Biosphere Futures Research Group
Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program
Tamas Krisztin is a senior research scholar in the Integrated Biosphere Futures Research Group of the IIASA Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program. He is the scientific coordinator of the Horizon Europe LAMASUS Project, which focuses on providing a novel governance model based on multi-level stakeholder dialogues spanning the European Commission, through national and local administrations down to citizens, as well as creating the necessary tools for co-designing agriculture, forestry, and climate policies in support of the EU’s climate neutrality target.His current research focuses broadly on nexus topics of land-use change, socioeconomic impacts, and drivers of climate change and land-use policy, as well as developing econometric and statistical tools for future projections of high-resolution climate change impact indicators. Methodologically, he is working on Bayesian spatial econometric and statistical models, as well as vector auto-regressions.
Before joining IIASA in 2015, he was employed at the Institute for Economic Geography at the WU Vienna University of Economics and Business in Austria. He completed his PhD at the institute, focusing on the modeling of spatial dependencies in economic processes. He still lectures in Applied Econometrics at the WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, as well as in Environmental Economics at the Vienna Diplomatic Academy.
Last update: 02 DEC 2022
Penuelas, J., Krisztin, T. , Obersteiner, M. , Huber, F., Winner, H., Janssens, I.A., Ciais, P., & Sardans, J. (2020). Country-Level Relationships of the Human Intake of N and P, Animal and Vegetable Food, and Alcoholic Beverages with Cancer and Life Expectancy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (19) e7240. 10.3390/ijerph17197240.
Leclere, D., Obersteiner, M. , Barrett, M., Butchart, S.H.M., Chaudhary, A., De Palma, A., DeClerck, F.A.J., Di Marco, M., Doelman, J.C., Dürauer, M., Freeman, R., Harfoot, M., Hasegawa, T., Hellweg, S., Hilbers, J.P., Hill, S.L.L., Humpenöder, F., Jennings, N., Krisztin, T. , Mace, G.M., Ohashi, H., Popp, A., Purvis, A., Schipper, A.M., Tabeau, A., Valin, H. , van Meijl, H., van Zeist, W.-J., Visconti, P., Alkemade, R., Almond, R., Bunting, G., Burgess, N.D., Cornell, S.E., Di Fulvio, F. , Ferrier, S., Fritz, S. , Fujimori, S. , Grooten, M., Harwood, T., Havlik, P. , Herrero, M., Hoskins, A.J., Jung, M., Kram, T., Lotze-Campen, H., Matsui, T., Meyer, C., Nel, D., Newbold, T., Schmidt-Traub, G., Stehfest, E., Strassburg, B.B.N., van Vuuren, D., Ware, C., Watson, J.E.M., Wu, W., & Young, L. (2020). Bending the curve of terrestrial biodiversity needs an integrated strategy. Nature 585 551-556. 10.1038/s41586-020-2705-y.
Krisztin, T. , Piribauer, P., & Wögerer, M. (2020). The spatial econometrics of the coronavirus pandemic. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences 10.1007/s12076-020-00254-1.
Janssens, C., Havlík, P. , Krisztin, T. , Baker, J., Frank, S. , Hasegawa, T., Leclere, D., Ohrel, S., Ragnauth, S., Schmid, E., Valin, H. , Van Lipzig, N., & Maertens, M. (2020). Global hunger and climate change adaptation through international trade. Nature Climate Change 10.1038/s41558-020-0847-4.
Sperling, F., Havlik, P. , Denis, M., Gaupp, F., Krisztin, T. , Palazzo, A. , Valin, H. , & Visconti, P. (2020). Bouncing Forward Sustainably: Pathways to a post-COVID World. Resilient Food Systems. IIASA-ISC