Sylvain Leduc
Senior Research Scholar
Agriculture, Forestry, and Ecosystem Services Research Group
Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program
Sylvain Leduc joined the former IIASA Forestry program, now the Ecosystems Services Management program (ESM) in 2007. Dr. Leduc is heading the development of the IIASA BeWhere model and the BeWhere research group (wwww.iiasa.ac.at/bewhere) within the Center for Landscape Resilience & Management (CLR). The BeWhere model is a techno-economic model which optimizes the geographical location of renewable energy systems. The model has been applied in many research areas including forest-based bioenergy, algae production, solar or wind energy, negative emissions technologies, and the electrification of urban public transport systems. Recently, it has been the central model of the FP-7 project S2Biom and the Alpine Space project recharge.greeen, and is presently applied in the H2020 project BECOOL project at the European scale. Dr. Leduc has supervised more than 20 summer students who contributed in the development of the BeWhere model. Most of them still collaborate with the IIASA BeWhere team, and Dr. Leduc is coordinating the harmonization of the different BeWhere model versions used globally.Dr. Leduc graduated in 2000, from l’École Supérieure de l’Énergie et des Matériaux (ESEM, now Polytech'Orleans), France. He then worked and studied at the Division of Energy Engineering at the University of Technology of Luleå (LTU), Sweden, as a Research Engineer, where he investigated individual and industrial wood boilers with Computational Fluid Dynamics and energy systems modeling. In 2009, he received his doctoral degree which he completed in collaboration with LTU and IIASA. The title of his thesis was: "Development of an Optimization Model for the Location of Biofuel Production Plants".
Last update: 10 APR 2019
Ghafghazi, S., Lochhead, K., Mathey, A.-H., Forsell, N., Leduc, S., Mabee, W., & Bull, G. (2017). Estimating Mill Residue Surplus in Canada: A Spatial Forest Fiber Cascade Modeling Approach. Forest Products Journal 67 (3-4) 205-218. 10.13073/FPJ-D-16-00031.
Elbersen, B., Forsell, N., Leduc, S., Staritsky, I., Witzke, P., & Ramirez-Almeyda, J. (2017). Existing Modeling Platforms for Biomass Supply in Europe. In: Modeling and Optimization of Biomass Supply Chains - Top-Down and Bottom-Up Assessment for Agricultural, Forest and Waste Feedstock. Eds. Panoutsou, C., pp. 25-54 London, UK: Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-12-812303-4 10.1016/B978-0-12-812303-4.00002-1.
Mesfun, S. , Leduc, S., Patrizio, P., Yowargana, P., & Kraxner, F. (2017). Spatio-temporal Assessment of Integrating Intermittent Electricity in the EU Power Sector. In: SEEP2017, 27-30 June 2017, Bled, Slovenia.
Obersteiner, M. , Balkovic, J. , Böttcher, H., Bouma, J., Fritz, S. , Fuss, S., Havlik, P. , Heumesser, C., Hochrainer-Stigler, S., Jantke, K., Khabarov, N. , Koch, B., Kraxner, F., Kuik, O.J., Leduc, S., Liu, J., Lucht, W., McCallum, I. , Mechler, R. , Moltchanova, E., Reyers, B., Rydzak, F., Schill, C., Schleupner, C., Schmid, E., Schneider, U.A., Scholes, R., See, L. , Skalsky, Ra. , Smirnov, A. , Szolgayova, J., Tarasovičová, Z., & Yang, H. (2017). The Value of Global Earth Observations. In: Satellite Earth Observations and Their Impact on Society and Policy. Eds. Onoda, M. & Young, O.R., pp. 137-142 Singapore: Springer. ISBN 978-981-10-3713-9 10.1007/978-981-10-3713-9_12.
Kraxner, F., Leduc, S., Serrano Leon, H., Fuß, S., Patrizio, P., & Yowargana, P. (2016). Expanding renewable energy within the Alpine ecological
network. In: Alpine Nature 2030 Creating [ecological] connectivity for generations to come. Eds. Plassmann, G., Kohler, Y., Badura, M., & Walzer, C., pp. 93-97 Berlin: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB). ISBN 978-3-00-053702-8