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Stefan Wrzaczek

Research Scholar

Economic Frontiers Program


Stefan Wrzaczek studied Technical Mathematics at the Vienna University of Technology, where he joined the research group for Operations Research and Control Systems (ORCOS) in 2005. He was awarded with the Bank Austria Creditanstalt Award for Operations Research 2005 for his dissertation. He has worked at the Vienna University of Technology, the University of Vienna and the Vienna Institute of Demography (Austrian Academy of Sciences). Stefan Wrzaczek joined the IIASA Economic Frontiers (EF) Program in 2021, to work on the mathematical formulation of recent economic problems (disruptive changes, COVID-19, health economics).

He has been (co-)leading the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) stand-alone projects 'Changing market structures in intertemporal optimization' (2013-2015) and 'life-cycle behaviour in the face of large shocks to health' (2018-2021). He is co-leader of the working group on 'Optimal control and dynamic games' of the Austrian Society for Operations Research (Ă–GOR). His research interests include: (i) applications of optimal control theory (in particular with respect to age-structure and switching systems), (ii) applications of differential game theory, (iii) health economics, and (iv) population dynamics. He has published among other journals in the Journal of Economic Theory, PLoS ONE, Theoretical Population Biology, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications and Dynamic Games and Applications.

Last update: 22 MAR 2021


Feichtinger, G., Lambertini, L., Leitmann, G., & Wrzaczek, S. (2024). Optimal drilling efforts and industry structure. AIMS Environmental Science 11 (4) 610-627. 10.3934/environsci.2024030.

Feichtinger, G., Grass, D., Kort, P.M., Novak, A.J., Seidl, A., & Wrzaczek, S. (2024). How Hartl exceeds Skiba: determinants of a successful career in academia. Central European Journal of Operations Research 32 (2) 543-556. 10.1007/s10100-023-00889-7.

Wrzaczek, S., Feichtinger, G., Fent, T., & Novak, A. (2024). To grow or to fluctuate: Optimal paths to demographic equilibria. IIASA Working Paper. Laxenburg, Austria: WP-24-008