Sandra Brozek
Program and Project Officer
Strategic Initiatives Program
Program and Project Officer
Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability Research Group
Advancing Systems Analysis Program
Sandra Brozek joined IIASA in 2019 as a program assistant supporting Steffen Fritz, Strategic Initiatives Program Director and previously Deputy Director of the former Ecosystem Services and Management Program. She currently assists the Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability (NODES) Research Group in the IIASA Advancing Systems Analysis Program and Ian McCallum, who leads the NODES group at IIASA. Since October 2023, she has also been the project officer for the Urban ReLeaf project funded by the European Research Executive Agency (REA) and coordinated by IIASA.From 2016 to 2019, Brozek worked as Marketing Coordinator at the international pharmaceutical company SHIRE, now part of TAKEDA. Prior to joining Takeda, she worked for the international Tier 1 Automotive Supplier MAGNA as Executive Assistant to the Members of the Board in the Finance Department, later for the Members of the Board of the Research and Development Group, and finally for the President of MAGNA STEYR. Following a maternity break she worked as assistant to the General Manager responsible for Business Development. Earlier in her career, she also assisted the General Manager of Magna Education and the Frank Stronach Institute, which had a close collaborative relationship with the Technical University in Graz.
Last update: 17 JAN 2024
Hager, G. , Moorthy, I., Brozek, S., Christantoni, I., Clarke, N., Coelho, B., Dadoukis, A., Dinis, J., Dörre, J., Dunn, J., Gāgane, N., Grivas, G., Harzenetter, M., Hunia, A., Karagiannopoulou, K., Marx, V., Pins, G., Skudra, S., Tsakanika, D., Tsertou, A., van Aken, S., van Holten, L., van Leeuwen, E., Versteeg, M., Warias, J., & Zučika, A. (2024). Measuring and assessing urban green infrastructure with citizens: stories from Urban ReLeaf cities. In: 5th ESP Europe Conference, 18-22 November 2024, Wageningen, Netherlands.