Pekka Lauri
Senior Research Scholar
Integrated Biosphere Futures Research Group
Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program
Pekka Lauri joined the Ecosystems Services and Management (ESM) Program in 2011. He holds a PhD degree in economics from Aalto University and has a wide range of experience in forest sector modeling built up upon a research position with the Finnish Forest Research Institute. In the last years he has focused on the modelling of global woody biomass use as well as on the model development (GLOBIOM, G4M, MESSAGE).Last update: 23 OCT 2017
Frank, S. , Derci Augustynczik, A.L., Havlik, P. , Boere, E., Ermolieva, T., Fricko, O. , Di Fulvio, F. , Gusti, M., Krisztin, T. , Lauri, P., Palazzo, A. , & Wögerer, M. (2024). Enhanced agricultural carbon sinks provide benefits for farmers and the climate. Nature Food 5 (9) 742-753. 10.1038/s43016-024-01039-1.
Huo, J., Wang, Z., Lauri, P., Medrano-García, J.D., Guillén-Gosálbez, G., & Hellweg, S. (2024). Region-Specific Sourcing of Lignocellulose Residues as Renewable Feedstocks for a Net-Zero Chemical Industry. Environmental Science & Technology 58 (31) 13748-13759. 10.1021/acs.est.4c03005.
Pedraza, C.G.A., Lauri, P., Derci Augustynczik, A.L., & Thomas, V.M. (2024). Managing Forests for Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change Mitigation. Environmental Science & Technology 58 (21) 9175-9186. 10.1021/acs.est.3c07163.
Derci Augustynczik, A.L., Gusti, M., Di Fulvio, F. , Lauri, P., Forsell, N., & Havlik, P. (2024). Modelling the effects of climate and management on the distribution of deadwood in European forests. Journal of Environmental Management 354 e120382. 10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.120382.
Fricko, O. , Frank, S. , Gidden, M. , Huppmann, D. , Johnson, N., Kishimoto, P. , Kolp, P., Lovat, F., McCollum, D., Min, J. , Rao, Shilpa, Riahi, K. , Rogner, H. , van Ruijven, B. , Vinca, A. , Zakeri, B. , Derci Augustynczik, A.L., Deppermann, A., Ermolieva, T., Gusti, M., Lauri, P., Heyes, C. , Schöpp, W. , Klimont, Z. , Havlik, P. , & Krey, V. (2024). MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM R11 no-policy baseline V.2. 10.5281/zenodo.5793869.