Muneta Yokomatsu
Senior Research Scholar
Water Security Research Group
Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program
Senior Research Scholar
Systemic Risk and Resilience Research Group
Advancing Systems Analysis Program
Muneta Yokomatsu is a senior research scholar jointly associated with the Systemic Risk and Resilience Research Group of the IIASA Advancing Systems Analysis Program and the Equity and Justice Research Group of the IIASA Population and Just Societies Program. He first joined IIASA as a guest research scholar in March 2018, and after having participated in several projects as an associate research scholar, took up his current position in April 2022.He received his Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD degrees from Kyoto University, Japan. He started his career at Tottori University in Japan as a research associate in 2001. He moved to the Disaster Prevention Research Institute at Kyoto University as an associate professor in 2005 and worked there until March 2022. He has held and continues to hold visiting fellow positions at several universities including as a visiting researcher at the University of Minnesota in the US (2008-2009), Waseda University in Japan (2008-present), the University of Tokyo, Japan (2018-present), and as visiting associate professor at the University of Tokyo (2008-2012).
His research fields include the economic analysis of climate-related risk management, where he has developed methods of cost-benefit analysis of disaster prevention and infrastructure provision; and social network analysis, where he has focused on the dynamics of network formation of people in a local community. He is now intensively working on simulation models of macroeconomic dynamics of climate-change-related natural hazards and exploring the impacts of risk reduction policies.
Last update: 04 APR 2023
Tanaka, T., Koga, A., & Yokomatsu, M. (2024). Agent‐based intra‐regional relocation model considering spatial local amenity for urban planning‐based flood risk management: Assessing the impact of urban development on flood exposure. Journal of Flood Risk Management 17 (4) e13035. 10.1111/jfr3.13035.
Yokomatsu, M., Schinko, T. , Mochizuki, J. , & Rezai, A. (2024). Climate-related Disaster and Human Capital Investment in the Global South — Household Heterogeneity and Growth. Economics of Disasters and Climate Change 10.1007/s41885-024-00150-8.
Yokomatsu, M. & Hori, M. (2024). Dynamic Programming of Firms' Activities and Market Interactions After a Disaster. In: Application of High Performance Computing to Earthquake Related Problems. Eds. Hori, M., pp. 449-478 World Scientific Publishing. 10.1142/q0432.
Ishikura, T., Yokomatsu, M., & Matsushima, K. (2024). Jump-diffusion過程下の確率制御を応用した 気候変動下の防災投資政策に関する試案 [A conceptual model of optimizing disaster adaptation policy based on stochastic control under jump-diffusion process]. In: Proceedings of Infrastructure Planning. Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management.
Ito, H. & Yokomatsu, M. (2024). 愛知県市町村における残存賞味期限に着目した災害救援物資備蓄の実態調査と自治体間協力のロジスティックスに関する基礎的検討 [ Survey on Stockpiling of Disaster Relief Supplies and Their Residual Shelf Life in Aichi Prefecture and Investigation of Logistics for Inter-municipal Cooperation]. Journal of Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science 42 (4)