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Mina Hong

Guest Korea Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow

Capacity Development and Academic Training Unit

Guest Korea Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow

Agriculture, Forestry, and Ecosystem Services Research Group

Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program


Mina Hong joined the Agriculture, Forestry, and Ecosystem Services (AFE) Research Group of the IIASA Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program with the support of the South Korean National Research Foundation (NRF) in October 2023. At IIASA, she works under the NRF-IIASA Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, further developing the South Korean Forest Dynamic Growth Model and integrating it with AFE's BeWhere model. Her research focus includes simulating carbon changes resulting from forest harvest and Bio-Energy Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (BECCUS) in South Korea, with the aim of analyzing pathways for South Korea to achieve carbon neutrality.

Hong obtained her bachelor's degree in Environmental Science and Resource Economics from Korea University in 2022. She also holds a PhD from Korea University, where she specialized in developing GIS data-based forest growth-management models, with a research emphasis on forest growth responses to climate change, CO2 sequestration, management strategies, risk assessment, and cost-benefit analysis. She also brings experience from her involvement in various research projects focused on the development of forest growth and management models.

Last update: 08 NOV 2023


Ko, Y., Song, C., Fellows, M., Kim, M., Hong, M., Kurz, W.A., Metsaranta, J., Son, J., & Lee, W.-K. (2024). Generic Carbon Budget Model for Assessing National Carbon Dynamics toward Carbon Neutrality: A Case Study of Republic of Korea. Forests 15 (5) e877. 10.3390/f15050877.