Mikhail Smilovic
Guest Research Scholar
Water Security Research Group
Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program
Dr. Mikhail Smilovic is a Research Scholar with the IIASA Water (WAT) program, where he is investigating issues related to water and food security through simulations and stakeholder-driven model development.Humans influence the pattern of how water moves within the hydrological cycle. This includes collecting, managing, and distributing water from rainfall, rivers, reservoirs, and groundwater aquifers. This water then satisfies agricultural, domestic, and industrial water interests. Simulating the water cycle in managed regions to address questions of water security necessitates including certain processes related to human interactions within the water cycle. Simulating at finer resolutions offers both the opportunity and challenge of including human-integrated processes that at coarser resolutions are either absorbed into other processes, not possible, or not relevant, while at higher resolutions are necessary to sufficiently represent the system.
Dr. Smilovic is further developing the hydrological model CWatM created at IIASA, increasing the resolution and improving representations of human interactions within the water cycle.
Last update: 30 SEP 2020
Hanus, S. , Burek, P. , Smilovic, M. , Seibert, J., & Viviroli, D. (2024). Seasonal variability in the global relevance of mountains to satisfy lowland water demand. Environmental Research Letters 19 (11) e114078. 10.1088/1748-9326/ad8507.
Becher, O., Smilovic, M. , Verschuur, J., Pant, R., Tramberend, S. , & Hall, J. (2024). The challenge of closing the climate adaptation gap for water supply utilities. Communications Earth & Environment 5 (1) e356. 10.1038/s43247-024-01272-3.
Artuso, S., Burek, P. , Cetinic, K., Kahil, T. , Langhans, S., Politti, E., Rotaru, S., Smilovic, M. , & Tramberend, S. (2024). Imagining a Safe Water Space for Danube’s Future: Engaging stakeholders for the co-creation of a Safe Operating Space for the Danube basin. IIASA Report. Laxenburg, Austria: IIASA
Stefaniak, E., de Bruijn, J. , Smilovic, M. , Artuso, S., Martin, J. , Maxwell, T., Joshi, J., & Hofhansl, F. (2024). Modelling Water and Biodiversity: Coupling a dynamic eco-evolution trait-based vegetation model with a community water model. DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16184. In: EGU General Assembly 2024, 14-19 April 2024, Vienna.
Smilovic, M. , Burek, P. , Fridman, D. , Guillaumot, L., de Bruijn, J. , Greve, P., Wada, Y. , Tang, T. , Kronfuss, M., Hanus, S., Tramberend, S. , & Kahil, T. (2024). Water circles—a tool to assess and communicate the water cycle. Environmental Research Letters 19 (2) e021003. 10.1088/1748-9326/ad18de.