Lena Höglund Isaksson profile picture

Lena Höglund Isaksson

Senior Research Scholar

Pollution Management Research Group

Energy, Climate, and Environment Program


Lena Hoglund-Isaksson joined IIASA in January 2004 and is a senior research scholar in the Pollution Management (PM) Research Group in the Energy, Climate, and Environment (ECE) Program. She has developed the methane module in the GAINS model and is coordinating various policy applications involving non-CO2 greenhouse gases from human activities. These include contributions of non-CO2 emissions and mitigation scenarios to EU's energy and climate policy (2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2021) and various global assessments of mitigation potentials for methane and non-CO2 greenhouse gases used to identify cost-effective mitigation strategies and/or used as input to climate models. She has authored over 60 peer-reviewed publications and contributed to several flagship policy reports such as UNEP Emissions Gap Reports, Chapter 2 of the IPCC Special Report on 1.5 degrees, the Arctic Council's Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program reports on short-lived climate forcers. She is interested in understanding how barriers for emission reductions can be overcome, be it technical, behavioral, institutional, or political barriers, and how detailed knowledge about implications for different stakeholders can help in finding the effective level of governance.

Dr. Hoglund-Isaksson earned her PhD in environmental economics in 2000, from Gothenburg University, Sweden on a thesis on theoretical and empirical aspects of environmental policy instruments, in particular refund schemes. Her previous positions include a post-doc in Economics at the University of Vienna (2002) and research assistant at Gothenburg University (1993-2000). She has held short-term employment contracts with the World Bank (1995) and Sida (1993), as well as carried out consultancy work for OECD and IAEA. She has taught microeconomics at the Universities of Vienna and Gothenburg, and environmental economics at Skovde University College in Sweden and the Central European University in Budapest and Vienna.

Last update: 15 APR 2021


Purohit, P. , Höglund-Isaksson, L. , Bertok, I., Chaturvedi, V., & Sharma, M. (2016). Scenario Analysis for HFC Emissions in India: Mitigation potential and costs. Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) and International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) , New Delhi, India / Laxenburg, Austria.

Capros, P., De Vita, A., Tasios, N., Siskos, P., Kannavou, M., Petropoulos, A., Evangelopoulou, S., Zampara, M., Papadopoulos, D., Nakos, Ch., Paroussos, L., Fragiadakis, K., Tsani, S., Karkatsoulis, P., Fragkos, P., Kouvaritakis, N., Höglund-Isaksson, L. , Winiwarter, W. , Purohit, P. , Gomez Sanabria, A. , Frank, S. , Forsell, N., Gusti, M., Havlik, P. , Obersteiner, M. , Witzke, H.P., & Kesting, M. (2016). EU Reference Scenario 2016 - Energy, transport and GHG emissions Trends to 2050. European Commission Directorate - General for Energy, Directorate - General for Climate Action and Directorate - General for Mobility and Transport , Luxembourg.

Klimont, Z. , Höglund-Isaksson, L. , Heyes, C. , Purohit, P. , Schöpp, W. , Rafaj, P. , Kiesewetter, G. , Borken, J. , & Sander, R. (2016). SLCP assessment for the Latin America and Caribbean. Final Report (Version 1.0). IIASA Report. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria.