Jung Hee Hyun
Research Scholar
Systemic Risk and Resilience Research Group
Advancing Systems Analysis Program
Jung Hee Hyun is a research scholar in the Systemic Risk and Resilience Research Group of the IIASA Advancing Systems Analysis Program. Her research focuses on understanding and measuring community-level resilience-building dynamics within the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance (ZFRA) Project. She also co-leads the Tools for Raising and Understanding Trust in Systems Science (TRUST) Project, an IIASA strategic initiative exploring linkages between participation-driven science and the perceptions of science. Her research interests include locally led adaptation, participatory science, and decision support methods for integrating climate change and other complex, uncertain future impacts into planning. She was formerly a Korea Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow in the Integrated Assessment and Climate Change Research Group of the IIASA Energy, Climate, and Environment Program.She received her PhD in Engineering in the Interdisciplinary Program in Landscape Architecture and Integrated Major in Smart City Global Convergence from Seoul National University, South Korea, where her dissertation work focused on exploratory modeling of adaptation pathways to support decision making for climate adaptation planning, applying heuristic optimization methods to efficiently assess long-term adaptation options according to future climate impacts and decision-maker preferences.
Hyun previously studied climate finance, specifically the cost of green bonds, as part of her master's degree in Global Economy and Strategy from Yonsei University in South Korea. She also holds a bachelor's degree in Urban Studies (Environmental Science) from Barnard College at Columbia University in the US.
Last update: 19 JUL 2023
Kim, E.S., Yun, S.H., Kim, J.Y., Thorne, J.H., Hyun, J.H. , & Lee, D.K. (2024). Sequential action-based dynamic decision-support model for urban ecological planning. Sustainable Cities and Society 101 e105092. 10.1016/j.scs.2023.105092.
Cheng, H., Kim, S., Hyun, J.H. , Choi, J., Cho, Y., & Park, C. (2024). A multi-objective spatial optimization of wetland for Sponge City in the plain, China. Ecological Engineering 198 e107147. 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2023.107147.
Chapagain, D., Hochrainer-Stigler, S., Velev, S., Keating, A., Hyun, J.H. , Rubenstein, N., & Mechler, R. (2024). A taxonomy-based understanding of community flood resilience. Ecology and Society 29 (4) e36. 10.5751/ES-15654-290436.
Hyun, J.H. (2023). Capturing the impact of community-level resilience-building interventions: a framework for resilience measurement, monitoring and evaluation. In: adaptation futures 2023, 2-6 October, 2023, Montreal, Canada.
Hyun, J.H. (2023). Assessing the Limits of Nature-based Adaptation and Need for Transformational Management of Multiple Hazard Climate Risk. Korean Insurance Journal 135 1-31. 10.17342/KIJ.2023.135.1.