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Jan Steinhauser


Energy, Climate, and Environment Program


Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability Research Group

Advancing Systems Analysis Program


Jan Steinhauser joined the IIASA Energy, Climate, and Environment (ECE) Program in 2021, where he is contributing to the expansion of the MESSAGEix energy model's capabilities in the land-energy nexus, utilizing the MAgPIE land-use model. His areas of interest include food systems as well as land-based energy and climate mitigation options, such as biofuels, biochar, and enhanced weathering. Additionally, he is part of the FABLE (Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land-use, and Energy) Consortium and FABLE's technical working group.

Before joining IIASA, Steinhauser worked in the University of Hamburg's Sustainability and Global Change research unit modeling land use and its connection to the Sustainable Development Goals, with a specific focus on the FABLE Calculator and the FABLE Scenathon. He was also scientific consultant to the UN SDSN secretariat and IIASA, further contributing to FABLE as well as an assessment of economic benefits of Amazon rainforest protection, respectively.

Steinhauser holds an MSc (2021) in Integrated Climate System Sciences from the University of Hamburg, Germany, where, for his thesis, he created a partial-equilibrium land-use model to assess interactions between agricultural impacts on critical Earth systems. He also has a BSc degree (2018) in Physics from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany, which he obtained with thesis work done at the Tokyo Institute of Technology and the RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science, and a BA degree (2013) in Online Journalism and Media from Cologne University of Applied Sciences.

Last update: 11 JUN 2021


Steinhauser, J. & Vollgruber, D. (2024). Climate Survivors: A Bullet Heaven for Enhanced Climate Engagement. In: 2024 IEEE Gaming, Entertainment, and Media Conference (GEM). pp. 1-6 IEEE. 10.1109/GEM61861.2024.10585396.

Steinhauser, J. & Vollgruber, D. (2024). Climate Survivors: A Bullet Heaven for Enhanced Climate Engagement. In: 2024 IEEE Gaming, Entertainment, and Media Conference (GEM), 05-07 June 2024, Turin, Italy.

Rasche, L., Schneider, U., & Steinhauser, J. (2024). FABLE Scenathon 2023 Pathways for food and land- use systems in Germany. Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) , Paris. 10.5281/zenodo.11547130.

Lamb, W.F., Gasser, T. , Roman-Cuesta, R.M., Grass, G., Gidden, M. , Powis, C.M., Geden, O., Nemet, G., Pratama, Y., Riahi, K. , Smith, S.M., Steinhauser, J. , Vaughan, N.E., Smith, H., & Minx, J.C. (2024). Current national proposals are off track to meet carbon dioxide removal needs. Nature Climate Change 10.1038/s41558-024-01993-5.

Lamb, W.F., Gasser, T. , Roman-Cuesta, R.M., Grassi, G., Gidden, M. , Powis, C.M., Geden, O., Nemet, G., Pratama, Y., Riahi, K. , Smith, S.M., Steinhauser, J. , Vaughan, N.E., Smith, H.B., & Minx, J.C. (2024). The carbon dioxide removal gap. Nature Climate Change 10.1038/s41558-024-01984-6.