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Ian McCallum

Research Group Leader and Principal Research Scholar

Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability Research Group

Advancing Systems Analysis Program


Ian McCallum leads the Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability (NODES) Research Group of the Advancing Systems Analysis (ASA) Program at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria. NODES exploits both citizen and data science combined with Earth observations to monitor, analyze, and foster progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The group is comprised of 30 members with expertise in applied research, development, and project management.

McCallum contributes to numerous research projects within NODES, applying various geo-spatial analysis techniques to global environmental and socioeconomic challenges. For example, he is leading the efforts to develop new and novel data and methods within the GRANULAR Project – an ambitious project developing indicators of rural development in Europe. He also leads the activities on stakeholder engagement within the EuropaBON project, a policy-oriented effort with the aim to develop a comprehensive biodiversity monitoring coordination center in Europe. Furthermore, he contributes to the development of the Geo-Wiki, a globally recognized Citizen Science platform designed to monitor the Earth's surface and related activities.

McCallum holds graduate degrees in Forest Science, where he specialized in the application of Geographic Information Systems to issues surrounding view-shed analysis and wildlife habitat modeling, and a doctoral degree applying satellite derived biophysical variables to model vegetation productivity. He is currently on the faculty of the Master of Science in Environmental Technology and International Relations (ETIA) in Vienna, Austria, where he teaches a course on Remote Sensing and the Environment.

Prior to joining IIASA, he worked for both forest industry and forest consulting firms in central and western Canada and the United States.

Last update: 20 MAR 2023


Shvidenko, A., Schepaschenko, D. , & McCallum, I. (2011). Productivity of Russian forests during recent decades (1960-2010s). [[Geophysical Research Abstracts]]; 12:EGU2011-11686 (April 2011)

Santoro, M., Beer, C., Cartus, O., Schmullius, C., Shvidenko, A., McCallum, I. , Wegmueller, U., & Wiesmann, A. (2011). Retrieval of growing stock volume in boreal forest using hyper-temporal series of Envisat ASAR ScanSAR backscatter measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (2) 490-507. 10.1016/j.rse.2010.09.018.

Quegan, S., Beer, C., Shvidenko, A., McCallum, I. , Handoh, I.C., Peylin, P., Roedenbeck, C., Lucht, W., & Schmullius, C. (2011). Estimating the carbon balance of central Siberia using a landscape-ecosystem approach, atmospheric inversion and Dynamic Global Vegetation Models. Global Change Biology 17 (1) 351-365. 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02275.x.

Shvidenko, A., Schepaschenko, D. , McCallum, I. , & Schmullius, C. (2011). Use of remote sensing products in a terrestrial ecosystems verified full carbon accounting: Experiences from Russia. In: Proceedings, Earth Observation for Land-Atmosphere Interaction Science, 3-5 November 2010.