Dmitry Shchepashchenko
Principal Research Scholar
Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability Research Group
Advancing Systems Analysis Program
Principal Research Scholar
Agriculture, Forestry, and Ecosystem Services Research Group
Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program
Dmitry Shchepashchenko is a senior researcher jointly associated with the Agriculture, Forestry, and Ecosystem Services Research Group of the IIASA Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program, and the Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability Research Group of the IIASA Advancing Systems Analysis Program.He has more than 30 years of research experience in forest ecology, forest management, and remote sensing. He actively participates in international research networks, including the International Boreal Forest Research Association (IBFRA) and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO). His current projects include work on the GEO-TREES permanent forest plots for validation and calibration of remote sensing; the validation of forest biomass maps for the European Space Agency’s Climate Change Initiative Biomass project; and forest carbon accounting and greenhouse gas reporting under the IMGGAR and the EYE-CLIMA projects. The projects he recently completed include: NatureMap, where he was involved in aspects of forest management and forest biomass mapping globally; citizen science and forest modeling under climate change in the Alpine region as part of the ALPTREES project; and the RESTORE+ project, which addressed landscape restoration on degraded land in Indonesia and Brazil.
Shchepashchenko graduated with a degree in forestry from the Moscow State Forest University (MSFU). He received a PhD in soil science from the Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute in Moscow and was awarded a Habilitation degree in ecology from MSFU.
Last update: 21 MAY 2024
See, L. , Chen, Q., Crooks, A., Laso Bayas, J.C. , Fraisl, D. , Fritz, S. , Georgieva, I. , Hager, G. , Hofer, M. , Lesiv, M. , Malek, Z. , Milenkovic, M., Moorthy, I., Orduña-Cabrera, F. , Pérez Guzmán, K. , Shchepashchenko, D. , Shchepashchenko, M., Steinhauser, J. , & McCallum, I. (2025). New Directions in Mapping the Earth’s Surface with Citizen Science and Generative AI. iScience e111919. 10.1016/j.isci.2025.111919. (Submitted)
Gustafson, E.J., Lucash, M.S., Shvidenko, A., Sturtevant, B.R., Miranda, B.R., Shchepashchenko, D. , & Matsumoto, H. (2024). Climate change and disturbance interact to alter landscape reflectivity (albedo) in boreal forests across a large latitudinal gradient in Siberia. Science of the Total Environment 956 e177043. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177043.
Santoro, M., Cartus, O., Quegan, S., Kay, H., Lucas, R.M., Araza, A., Herold, M., Labrière, N., Chave, J., Rosenqvist, Å., Tadono, T., Kobayashi, K., Kellndorfer, J., Avitabile, V., Brown, H., Carreiras, J., Campbell, M.J., Cavlovic, J., Bispo, P.d.C., Gilani, H., Khan, M.L., Kumar, A., Lewis, S.L., Liang, J., Mitchard, E.T.A., Pacheco-Pascagaza, A.M., Phillips, O.L., Ryan, C.M., Saikia, P., Shchepashchenko, D. , Sukhdeo, H., Verbeeck, H., Vieilledent, G., Wijaya, A., Willcock, S., & Seifert, F.M. (2024). Design and performance of the Climate Change Initiative Biomass global retrieval algorithm. Science of Remote Sensing 10 e100169. 10.1016/j.srs.2024.100169.
Mo, L., Crowther, T.W., Maynard, D.S., van den Hoogen, J., Ma, H., Bialic-Murphy, L., Liang, J., de-Miguel, S., Nabuurs, G.-J., Reich, P.B., Phillips, O.L., Abegg, M., Adou Yao, Y.C., Alberti, G., Almeyda Zambrano, A.M., Alvarado, B.V., Alvarez-Dávila, E., Alvarez-Loayza, P., Alves, L.F., Amaral, I., Ammer, C., Antón-Fernández, C., Araujo-Murakami, A., Arroyo, L., Avitabile, V., Aymard, G.A., Baker, T.R., Bałazy, R., Banki, O., Barroso, J.G., Bastian, M.L., Bastin, J.-F., Birigazzi, L., Birnbaum, P., Bitariho, R., Boeckx, P., Bongers, F., Boonman, C.C.F., Bouriaud, O., Brancalion, P.H.S., Brandl, S., Brearley, F.Q., Brienen, R., Broadbent, E.N., Bruelheide, H., Bussotti, F., Gatti, R.C., César, R.G., Cesljar, G., Chazdon, R., Chen, H.Y.H., Chisholm, C., Cho, H., Cienciala, E., Clark, C., Clark, D., Colletta, G.D., Coomes, D.A., Valverde, F.C., Corral-Rivas, J.J., Crim, P.M., Cumming, J.R., Dayanandan, S., de Gasper, A.L., Decuyper, M., Derroire, G., DeVries, B., Djordjevic, I., Dolezal, J., Dourdain, A., Engone Obiang, N.L., Enquist, B.J., Eyre, T.J., Fandohan, A.B., Fayle, T.M., Feldpausch, T.R., Ferreira, L.V., Finér, L., Fischer, M., Fletcher, C., Frizzera, L., Gamarra, J.G.P., Gianelle, D., Glick, H.B., Harris, D.J., Hector, A., Hemp, A., Hengeveld, G., Hérault, B., Herbohn, J.L., Herold, M., Hietz, P., Hillers, A., Honorio Coronado, E.N., Hui, C., Ibanez, T., Imai, N., Jagodziński, A.M., Jaroszewicz, B., Johannsen, V.K., Joly, C.A., Jucker, T., Jung, I., Karminov, V., Kartawinata, K., Kearsley, E., Kenfack, D., Kennard, D.K., Kepfer-Rojas, S., Keppel, G., Khan, M.L., Killeen, T.J., Kim, H.S., Kitayama, K., Köhl, M., Korjus, H., Kraxner, F., Kucher, D., Laarmann, D., Lang, M., Lewis, S.L., Li, Y., Lopez-Gonzalez, G., Lu, H., Lukina, N. V., Maitner, B.S., Malhi, Y., Marcon, E., Marimon, B.S., Marimon-Junior, B.H., Marshall, A.R., Martin, E.H., McCarthy, J.K., Meave, J.A., Melo-Cruz, O., Mendoza, C., Mendoza-Polo, I., Miscicki, S., Merow, C., Mendoza, A.M., Moreno, V.S., Mukul, S.A., Mundhenk, P., Nava-Miranda, M.G., Neill, D., Neldner, V.J., Nevenic, R.V., Ngugi, M.R., Niklaus, P.A., Ontikov, P., Ortiz-Malavasi, E., Pan, Y., Paquette, A., Parada-Gutierrez, A., Parfenova, E.I., Park, M., Parren, M., Parthasarathy, N., Peri, P.L., Pfautsch, S., Picard, N., Piedade, M.T.F., Piotto, D., Pitman, N.C.A., Poorter, L., Poulsen, A.D., Poulsen, J.R., Pretzsch, H., Arevalo, F.R., Restrepo-Correa, Z., Richardson, S.J., Rodeghiero, M., Rolim, S.G., Roopsind, A., Rovero, F., Rutishauser, E., Saikia, P., Salas-Eljatib, C., Saner, P., Schall, P., Schelhaas, M.-J., Shchepashchenko, D. , Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Schmid, B., Schöngart, J., Searle, E.B., Seben, V., Serra-Diaz, J.M., Sheil, D., Shvidenko, A., Da Silva, A.C., Silva-Espejo, J.E., Silveira, M., Singh, J., Sist, P., Slik, F., Sonké, B., Sosinski, E.E., Souza, A.F., Stereńczak, K.J., Svenning, J.-C., Svoboda, M., Swanepoel, B., Targhetta, N., Tchebakova, N., ter Steege, H., Thomas, R., Tikhonova, E., Umunay, P.M., Usoltsev, V.A., Valencia, R., Valladares, F., Van Bodegom, P.M., van der Plas, F., Van Do, T., van Nuland, M.E., Vasquez, R.M., Verbeeck, H., Viana, H., Vibrans, A.C., Vieira, S., von Gadow, K., Wang, H.-F., Watson, J.V., Werner, G.D.A., Wittmann, F., Woell, H., Wortel, V., Zagt, R., Zawiła-Niedźwiecki, T., Zhang, C., Zhao, X., Zhou, M., Zhu, Z.-X., Zo-Bi, I.C., & Zohner, C.M. (2024). The global distribution and drivers of wood density and their impact on forest carbon stocks. Nature Ecology & Evolution 10.1038/s41559-024-02564-9.
Fritz, S. , Lesiv, M. , See, L. , Shchepashchenko, D. , Pérez Guzmán, K. , Laso Bayas, J.C. , Shchepashchenko, M., Georgieva, I. , Collivignarelli, F., Meroni, M., Kerdiles, H., Rembold, F., & McCallum, I. (2024). A new global hybrid map of annual herbaceous cropland at a 500 m resolution for the year 2019. Environmental Research Letters 19 (8) e084025. 10.1088/1748-9326/ad6a71.