Chen Huang
Research Scholar
Pollution Management Research Group
Energy, Climate, and Environment Program
Chen Huang is a Research Scholar and Data Scientist in the Pollution Management Research Group of the Energy, Climate, and Environment (ECE) Program. His research interests primarily center on the climate and mineral risks obscured by low-emission scenarios.Prior to joining IIASA as a researcher, he held the Peking University-IIASA international postdoctoral fellowship. After that, he joined IIASA with the objective of advancing the future development of the GAINS model and enhancing the interaction between the GAINS and MESSAGEix models. Huang has published articles in a variety of renowned journals, including: Nature Food, Applied Energy, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Energy, Energy Policy, Environmental Research Letters, Nature Communications, as well as influential policy briefs in the domain of climate policy.
Huang pursued mechanical engineering at the China University of Petroleum (East China), where he received his bachelor's degree. Then he studied energy economics at the China University of Petroleum (Beijing) and received his master’s degree, undertaking net energy analysis of the Chinese oil and gas extraction industry. Huang subsequently obtained his PhD in management science from the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), concentrating on the synergistic strategies of climate mitigation and adaptation within the power industry, and was a recipient of the CAS President Awards.
Last update: 29 NOV 2024