Bruno Meirelles De Oliveira profile picture

Bruno Meirelles De Oliveira

Guest Research Scholar

Systemic Risk and Resilience Research Group

Advancing Systems Analysis Program


Bruno Meirelles De Oliveira is a postdoctoral research scholar in the Systemic Risk and Resilience Research Group of the IIASA Advancing Systems Analysis Program where he is currently working as part of the Resource nexus for transformation to circular, resilient, and livable cities in the context of climate change (RECREATE) Project. He has a background in education, rural development, and environmental consulting and planning, as well as a keen interest in governance, resilience, social ecological systems, and integrative approaches.

Oliveira is a biologist by training having obtained a bachelor’s degree at the University of SãoPaulo, Brazil. He also has an MBA in Environment Management from the Polytechnic School of São Paulo University, a master’s in Environmental Sciences from the Energy and Environment Institute of the São Paulo University, and a PhD from the same program (2016-2021), with a sandwich period spent at IIASA in Austria in 2018.

Last update: 19 OCT 2021


Meirelles De Oliveira, B., Boumans, R., Fath, B. , & Harari, J. (2024). How social-ecological systems resilience unfolds from distinct worldviews. Frontiers in Sustainable Resource Management 3 10.3389/fsrma.2024.1352707.

Acebey, S., Caicedo-Portilla, J.R., Portilla, A., Basantes-Serrano, R., Camacho, C.P., Espinosa, R., Galarza, E.R., Gamba-Trimiño, C., García Rodríguez, K., Mejía Uría, A., Meirelles De Oliveira, B., Moscoso, M.A., Murillo, Y., Peñuela, M.C., Santa Gadea, C., Aliaga-Rossel, E.., Cuenca Capa, P.R., Méndez Ruiz-Tagle, N., & Polanco, R. (2023). Capítulo 3: Impulsores de las amenazas, pérdidas, oportunidades y transformación de la naturaleza. OTCA, Proyecto OTCA/BIOMAZ, GIZ-Brasil, Ministerio Federal Alemán de Cooperación Económica y Desarrollo (BMZ), Instituto Humboldt (Colombia) , Brasilia, Brasil.

Meirelles De Oliveira, B. & Fath, B. (2022). Urban Resilience Index: Case study of six global cities within the RECREATE project. In: Systems Analysis for Reducing Footprints and Enhancing Resilience, 16-17 November, 2022, Vienna, Austria.