Albert Nkwasa
Research Scholar
Water Security Research Group
Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program
Albert Nkwasa is a research scholar in the Water Security Research Group of the IIASA Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program. His primary research interests and work center around the integrated modeling and mapping of the quality of freshwater ecosystems at regional and global scales within the complexities of global change, including climate change, land-use and land cover change, socioeconomic dynamics, and policy shifts. His work extends to impact attribution of changes in hydrological and water quality variables.Nkwasa holds a PhD in Engineering Sciences (2023) from Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium with greatest distinction and felicitations of the jury. In 2022, he was honored with the prestigious Ernest Dubois Prize, presented by the Koning Boudewijnstichting for his contributions to advancing knowledge in water quality-related domains, in particular water pollution in Africa.
Last update: 04 FEB 2025
Nakkazi, M.T., Nkwasa, A., Martínez, A.B., & van Griensven, A. (2024). Linking land use and precipitation changes to water quality changes in Lake Victoria using earth observation data. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 196 (11) e1104. 10.1007/s10661-024-13261-2.
Nkwasa, A., James Chawanda, C., Theresa Nakkazi, M., Tang, T., Eisenreich, S.J., Warner, S., & van Griensven, A. (2024). One third of African rivers fail to meet the ’good ambient water quality’ nutrient targets. Ecological Indicators 166 e112544. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2024.112544.
Arheimer, B., Cudennec, C., Castellarin, A., Grimaldi, S., Heal, K., Lupton, C., Sarkar, A., Tian, F., Kileshye Onema, J.-M., Archfield, S., Blöschl, G., Chaffe, P., Croke, B., Dembélé, M., Leong, C., Mijic, A., Mosquera, G., Nlend, B., Olusola, A., Polo, M., Sandells, M., Sheffield, J., van Hateren, T., Shafiei, M., Adla, S., Agarwal, A., Aguilar, C., Andersson, J., Andraos, C., Andreu, A., Avanzi, F., Bart, R., Bartosova, A., Batelaan, O., Bennett, J., Bertola, M., Bezak, N., Boekee, J., Bogaard, T., Booij, M., Brigode, P., Buytaert, W., Bziava, K., Castelli, G., Castro, C., Ceperley, N., Chidepudi, S., Chiew, F., Chun, K., Dagnew, A., Dekongmen, B.W., Del Jesus, M., Dezetter, A., Do Nascimento Batista, J., Doble, R., Dogulu, N., Eekhout, J., Elçi, A., Elenius, M., Finger, D., Fiori, A., Fischer, S., Förster, K., Ganora, D., Gargouri Ellouze, E., Ghoreishi, M., Harvey, N., Hrachowitz, M., Jampani, M., Jaramillo, F., Jongen, H., Kareem, K., Khan, U., Khatami, S., Kingston, D., Koren, G., Krause, S., Kreibich, H., Lerat, J., Liu, J., Liu, S., Madruga de Brito, M., Mahé, G., Makurira, H., Mazzoglio, P., Merheb, M., Mishra, A., Mohammad, H., Montanari, A., Mujere, N., Nabavi, E., Nkwasa, A., Orduna Alegria, M., Orieschnig, C., Ovcharuk, V., Palmate, S., Pande, S., Pandey, S., Papacharalampous, G., Pechlivanidis, I., Penny, G., Pimentel, R., Post, D., Prieto, C., Razavi, S., Salazar-Galán, S., Sankaran Namboothiri, A., Santos, P., Savenije, H., Shanono, N., Sharma, A., Sivapalan, M., Smagulov, Z., Szolgay, J., Teng, J., Teuling, A., Teutschbein, C., Tyralis, H., van Griensven, A., van Schalkwyk, A., van Tiel, M., Viglione, A., Volpi, E., Wagener, T., Wang, X., Wang-Erlandsson, L., Wens, M., & Xia, J. (2024). The IAHS Science for Solutions decade, with Hydrology Engaging Local People IN one Global world (HELPING). Hydrological Sciences Journal 1-19. 10.1080/02626667.2024.2355202.
Nkwasa, A., Chawanda, C.J., & van Griensven, A. (2024). A high-resolution community global SWATplus water quality model. In: SWAT Conference, 8-12 July 2024, Strasbourg, France.
Villani, L., Castelli, G., Yimer, E.A., Chawanda, C.J., Nkwasa, A., Van Schaeybroeck, B., Penna, D., van Griensven, A., & Bresci, E. (2024). Impacts of climate change and vegetation response on future aridity in a Mediterranean catchment. Agricultural Water Management 299 e108878. 10.1016/j.agwat.2024.108878.