The transport sector has accounted for 28% of the CO2 emissions in Austria in 2015, more than half of which are due to passenger cars. Unlike most other sectors, emissions from the transport sector are still increasing. In order to fulfil the ambitious goals set by the Paris Agreement and to act in line with the sustainable development goals (SDGs), these emissions will have to be reduced substantially.

The project aims at (i) simulating different policy scenarios for a multitude of assumptions concerning the Shared Autonomous Electric Vehicles (SAEV) technology, the SAEV market and ownership structure and the citizens’ preferences towards SAEVs and (ii) derivation of environmental and socioeconomic indicators for each of the scenarios, as well as their interrelations in terms of synergies and trade-offs.
IIASA Research
The project employs an agent-based model that is able to represent complex interactions between the transportation system, socioeconomic and environmental factors. It builds on a recently developed, state-of-the-art transport model for Vienna (based on the MATSim software). The simulations will yield specific advice for policymakers that captures the inherent uncertainty due to the novelty of the technology. An active stakeholder involvement process will ensure that policy-makers and other relevant stakeholders are included in the design of the policy scenarios as well in the dissemination of the results. It will ensure providing policymakers with in-depth information on the risks and uncertainties attached to the introduction of SAEVs as well as to the corresponding policy options, especially concerning socioeconomic effects. Such information is particularly valuable when uncertainty is large and path-dependency potentially very high (e.g. in the case of large-scale infrastructure (investments or changes in taxation schemes).