MICAT aims to develop a comprehensive approach to estimate Multiple Impacts of Energy Efficiency (MI-EE) by co-creating a free, easy-to-use, scientifically sound online tool (MICATool).  The MICATool will enable holistic analyses of MI-EE at the European, national and local level to strengthen the climate strategy of the Energy Union and accelerate an affordable and just, sustainable energy transition by addressing the challenges and needs of important target groups: policy makers, practitioners and evaluators.

There is still significant potential to improve energy efficiency in all sectors and levels where measures can be applied. Facing the often cited “energy efficiency gap”, even the profitable potential is not fully exploited. Highlighting and quantifying the additional values of energy efficiency measures and investments considering the Multiple non-energy Impacts (economic, social and environmental impacts) could help closing this gap and facilitate energy-relevant decisions and policy-making.

The goal of MICAT is the development of a comprehensive approach to estimate Multiple Impacts of Energy Efficiency. MICAT will enable analyses at three different governance levels (local, national and EU) to address a broad target group and interested actors. This allows simplified analyses to be carried out on the basis of different data and policy scenarios in order to compare and assess the relevance of the Multiple Impacts. The project sets a sound scientific empirical basis for monitoring Multiple Impacts while providing a publicly available and easy usable online tool (MICATool) which shall be developed in a co-creational manner with the respective governance levels. The national and local cases for monitoring Multiple Impacts of Energy Efficiency will be developed further in a broad stakeholder and dissemination approach to set a standard for future reporting on Multiple Impacts of Energy Efficiency.

The project is coordinated by Fraunhofer ISI (DE) and implemented together with the European partners IEECP (NL), Wuppertal Institute (DE), WiseEuropa (PL), E3 Modelling (GR), and ICLEI EURO (DE).

IIASA role is mainly in the framework development of the empirical basis of environmental impacts within WP2 (Framework for the Assessment of Multiple Impacts of EE) and supporting WP3 (Assessment of Multiple Impacts of EE).




This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101000132.