FRAMEwork enables research and empowerment initiatives for farmers and local communities to tackle biodiversity loss.

FRAMEwork is constructed based on the Farmer Cluster approach successfully implemented in the UK. It enriches and innovates existing Farmer Clusters by liaising with local and (inter)national stakeholder groups, and setting up new, multi-actor, Farmer Clusters in different cropping systems in Europe, based on existing collaborations.
NoDES leads a work package in the project, which aims at uniting the Farmer Clusters in a European-wide self-sustaining network and linked with the Citizen Observatory and Information Hub that will facilitate farmer and citizen-based collection and sharing of harmonized, high-quality information on biodiversity and farming, and develop engaging online and offline activities to amplify awareness and understanding of biodiversity and biodiversity sensitive farming across different stakeholders in Europe.
The scientific contribution to these citizen-based activities will deliver the following outcomes:
- Advanced ecological understanding of the drivers of biodiversity change in agricultural landscapes
- A selection of best-practice biodiversity-sensitive management by farmers based on their local requirement
- Validated methods for biodiversity targeting, monitoring and evaluation
- Private and public incentives to foster biodiversity-sensitive farming as a public good
Furthermore, FRAMEwork will assess the effectiveness of the Farmer Cluster approach to develop and implement place and system-specific biodiversity-sensitive farming practices and evaluate the economic and environmental performance, delivering a permanent on-line evaluation tool on the Citizen Observatory and Information Hub.
The FRAMEwork Consortium brings together 19 partners:
- The James Hutton Institute
- Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust
- International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria
- Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy
- Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Luxembourg
- University of Osnabrück University (UOS), Germany
- Artemisan Fundación
- Grab
- Agricultural Research and Education Centre Raumberg- Gumpenstein (HBLFA), Austria
- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria
- Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU), Estonia
- University of Osnabrück University (UOS), Germany
- Nordic Agency for Development and Ecology (NORDECO), Denmark
- Taskscape Associates Ltd.
- INRA Science and Impact, France
- Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED), Netherlands
- Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF), Spain
- Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU), Czech Republic
- University of Hertfordshire (UOH), UK


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