FNIT, a research project on Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Programme, aims to identify the complex interconnections between water, energy, and food and their environmental and social implications in the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers Basin (ETRB). Using systematic approaches, we seek to explore potential futures for the region. To achieve this, our primary focus is engaging stakeholders in basin countries, experts, and local communities. Our goal is to support decision-makers in improving environmental and social conditions.

Water, energy, and food are critical resources for human existence. However, their accessibility is increasingly challenging in various regions due to factors such as climate change, conflicts, and other complexities. Such limitations can significantly impact ecosystems, diminish populations, and compromise overall quality of life. The absence of comprehensive frameworks for understanding the impact of these resource constraints on populations hampers the development of effective interventions. Supported by the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions programme, the European Commission, the FNIT project addresses this gap by analyzing the water-energy-food nexus and its ramifications on environments and societies. Focused on the transboundary basins of the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers, the project examines critical issues such as land climate change, displacement, and gender vulnerability.

Euphrates and Tigris Rivers Basin (ETRB) region is one of the most critical transboundary regions in the world which is vital to the sustainable development of Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran and a source of concern to the stability of neighboring regions. The ETRB stands as a crucial resource for the region, supporting diverse needs across water, food, energy, and ecosystems. In light of rising challenges—such as resource scarcity, environmental stress, and sectoral demands—this research project aims to build a clearer picture of the basin's current dynamics and future needs.

The project invites perspectives from various sectors and countries to provide a comprehensive understanding of the basin’s interconnected issues. Contributions from water, agriculture, energy, environmental, and other fields will help capture a diverse range of insights, enabling a well-rounded, informed analysis.

This research will offer a valuable foundation for understanding the complexities of the Euphrates-Tigris Basin, supporting knowledge exchange and fostering a deeper appreciation for shared regional challenges.