As input to the climate negotiations at COP15 in Copenhagen 2009, IIASA has developed a coherent international comparison of greenhouse gas mitigation efforts among Annex I Parties in 2020. This web site provides interactive access to an on-line calculator, underlying input data, and documentation of the methodology.

Greenhouse gas mitigation efforts initiated over the next decade will be critical for the achievement of the deep emission reductions that are necessary for stabilizing GHG concentrations in the atmosphere. Substantial opportunities exist to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in the near- to medium term; however, it will be a formidable challenge for negotiating Parties at the UNFCCC to arrive at a generally accepted scheme for sharing efforts among Annex I countries that achieves the necessary emission reductions.

IIASA has published a series of reports that assess the cost implications of pledges made by Annex I Parties in preparation for the 2009 climate change negotiations at COP15 in Copenhagen: