Since 1999 IIASA has been hosting the Centre for Integrated Assessment Modelling (CIAM), one of the four centres assigned for the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution.

CIAM prepares technical background material for the annual meetings of the Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling (TFIAM). The Task Force brings together information gathered from the Parties and from other Convention bodies on cost-effective emission control strategies. Its regular reports to the negotiating bodies of the Convention assist - through computer models - in the development of legal instruments (protocols).

Joe Sohm |

Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling (TFIAM) under the LRTAP Convention

The Task Force’s combines information produced by the various scientific working groups of the LRTAP Convention and through computer models assist in the development of legal instruments. Read more

Reports, Presentations and Data related to the Gothenburg Protocol Revision

At its 61st meeting (Geneva, 4-6 September 2023), the Working Group on Strategies and Review requested a policy brief on the potential implications of introducing collective risk-based targets for the UNECE region to address air pollution impacts on health and ecosystems. Such a document is being jointly prepared by the Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling and the Centre for Integrated Assessment Modelling (CIAM). An overview of the comments received on an early draft, the latest revised version (4 November 2024) of the policy brief and country emissions by GNFR sector, are available below:

Informal Delegates Meeting of the CLRTAP WGSR

Leuven, 21-24 October 2024


List of Presentations
Session A  
Relevant issues from TFTEI meeting and BAT workshop of 15-17 October in Paris Jean-Guy Bartaire, CITEPA/ENEA
Key conclusions of TFTEI analysis on technological pathways towards ratification of the present Gothenburg Protocol; analysis of priority sectors Nadine Allemand, CITEPA
Non-Party data including priority sectors, reduction potential, activity data, emissions and effects, and scenarios Zig Klimont, IIASA
Feedback on discussions to date with non-parties (including past brainstorming sessions) Peter Meulepas
Comments by Georgia on the revision process (oral communication) Noe Megrelishvili
Update on workplan item 1.2.2 on workshop to stimulate national integrated assessment capacities of non-Parties in March 2025 European Commission
Session B  
Present role of guidance documents and annexes in the Gothenburg protocol Peter Meulepas
Value of information on best available techniques and practices available for the Convention, the GP revision and beyond the UNECE region Nadine Allemand, CITEPA
Status of the latest guidance documents on non-technical measures, the cost-of-inaction document Stefan Åström. TFIAM Co-Chair
Session C  
From joint ambitions to emission reduction commitments; how models can help Rob Maas, TFIAM expert advisor
Developments since WGSR62 Zig Klimont, IIASA
Recommendations from the policy brief Simone Schucht, TFIAM Co-Chair
Session D  
International targets on N emission reductions and options to include / refer to them in a revised GP; development of emissions of NH3 (and NOx) vs. other pollutants; effects on health and ecosystems Mark Sutton
Nitrogen management as established within CLRTAP and its use for reducing air pollution;  nitrogen budgets as a policy tool Wilfried Winiwarter / Markus Geupel, IIASA
Food consumption patterns and policies as a case study for non-technical / structural measures, and (partial?) implementation into GAINS via the LOW scenario Adrian Leip
Session E  
Summary presentation from WGSR62 Tim Butler
Rationale for addressing methane for reducing transboundary ozone Hilde Fagerli, NMI
Methane mitigation options Zig Klimont, IIASA
Options and methane outline provided by the co-chairs Dominique Pritula, Vice-Chair