Options Magazine, Winter 2021: A systems look at how our decisions are driving global change.
The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26, comes at a critical time for humanity and is an unprecedented opportunity for the world to come together to address the threat to our continued existence on this planet that is climate change. This special edition of Options highlights the work of IIASA researchers on the subject.
Our cover feature takes a systems look at humanity’s role in the climate crisis. We are both the cause and victims of climate change, and it therefore stands to reason that we should also be part of the solution. Our second feature explains the role of scenarios in exploring climate change and its impacts, and how these stories of future Earth could help to reveal how we might prevent global tragedy. While systems analysis is uniquely suited to address complex global issues like climate change, it is difficult to pin down. In this issue, you can read all about how the flexible, shapeshifting nature of this discipline is actually also its superpower.
Magazine articles
02 December 2021
Interview: Advancing equitable transitions to net zero

02 December 2021
Where are they now: Jessica Jewell

30 November 2021
People profiles: Thinking about policies for just transitions

30 November 2021
People profiles: Achieving sustainable development with better data

30 November 2021
Interview: Developing and connecting the next generation of researchers

30 November 2021
Opinion: Shedding light on systemic risks from infrastructure failure

29 November 2021
Supporting sustainable reindeer management in Finland

29 November 2021
An analysis of forest management in the Republic of Korea

29 November 2021
Using energy demand reduction for decarbonization in Japan

29 November 2021
The pursuit of wind power expansion in Brazil

29 November 2021
Assessing the cost of a herd immunity approach to COVID-19 in the USA

29 November 2021
Tackling solid waste management in Kenya

29 November 2021
Improving fertilizer and water management practices in South Africa

17 November 2021
People at the heart of climate change

17 November 2021
Plotting the future

16 November 2021
What is systems analysis?

15 November 2021
The future of the river is in your hands