In addition to the (bilateral) fellowships above we invite you to look at the following funding opportunities available in our NMO countries and across the world which sponsor postdoctoral fellows in areas of research complementary to work done at IIASA. Please note that the list is non exhaustive and is continuously updated.
- The Academy of Finland offers funding to postdoctoral researchers. Applicants are encouraged to take part in international mobility and cooperation
- NRF South Africa NRF-DSI Freestanding, Innovation and Scarce Skills Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Postdoctoral Grants on the ScienceAbroad -an Israel-based nonprofit organization- website
- Austrian Database for Scholarships & Research Grants
- The Austrian Academy of Sciences OeAW awards up to eight fellowships per year to holders of a doctorate
- Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (PRIME) supports the international mobility of postdoctoral researchers by temporary positions at German universities in place of conventional scholarships. The programme has been funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the European Union (EU/FP7/Marie Curie Actions/COFUND). Funding is provided for 18 months, in which 12 months have to be spent abroad and 6 months (re-integration phase) at a German university. The re-integration phase is mandatory. The German university administrates the salary during the whole funding period.
- The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) offers overseas research fellowships to Japanese researchers